Circle of life and all........
just fine
JoinedPosts by just fine
Crow Woe
by TerryWalstrom in“oh mommy!” the little girl in the floral dress cooed to her mother.. i felt the same.. that splash of vivid brightness on such a perfect creature takes your breath away!the delicate robin whose crimson colored breast chased ugliness from sight delighted little children on starbucks patio.. better still, her nest in a nearby tree stirs a keen anticipation for summer’s hatchling sounds of chirpy appetites and a renewal of hope for our futures, the little things and we ourselves.. i barely spy her nest, exquisitely fashioned, basket-like; roundish and stout.
she flits charmingly now...and again keeping custodial observance of her eggs.
such treasures!
Reveal News Hosts a Conference About JWs and Child Sex Abuse
by Hecce inreveal news hosts a conference about jws and child sex abuse; the world is finally noticing!.
by alexandra james on april 26, 2017 • ( 9 comments ).
on april 26, 2017, in london, reveal news hosted a conference regarding the problem of jehovah’s witnesses and child sex abuse.
just fine
I hope it gains traction, so that the end result is no more protecting abusers.
Has anyone else experienced this?
by ToesUp inmy spouse and i have faded 4+ years ago.
we know the jw rumor mill has gotten back to our family that we no longer attend.
most of our family is out of state.
just fine
Yes my parents and I have a great don't ask don't tell relationship. They don't ask me and I don't tell them about holidays etc. they do not bring up anything JW related except the occasional comment about someone I used to know. Those were the contact rules I laid down many years ago. If you want contact with me no JW stuff allowed, otherwise I prefer no contact. They have done pretty well at sticking to the agreed upon arrangement.
Confused trying to understand JW GF or soon to be EX
by James87 ini dont know where to start so why not at the beginning.
i was seeing this girl and we hit it off great chemistry.
it went from a physical to a deeper relationship.
just fine
Wishing you peace as you heal from this experience.
Confused trying to understand JW GF or soon to be EX
by James87 ini dont know where to start so why not at the beginning.
i was seeing this girl and we hit it off great chemistry.
it went from a physical to a deeper relationship.
just fine
My advice from a few pages back still stands. Move on, nothing good is going to come from this.
If nothing else, you deserve someone who accepts you as you are. You can never change yourself enough to make someone else happy - Witnesses expect you to change to earn their love. After you join it is a never ending barrage of things you need to change to make them happy. Get out while you still easily can.
United Nations elects Saudi Arabia to Women's Rights Commission
by freemindfade inthe irony would be hilarious if it weren't so sad.
that's right, a country that bans women from driving cars is on the un womens rights commission.
"electing saudi arabia to protect women’s rights is like making an arsonist into the town fire chief," .
just fine
Yeah great idea. As a woman, Saudia Arabia is the first country I would want to weigh in on women's rights. 😏
Visiting Bethel (an old memory)
by Jessica72 ini was so excited about visiting bethel.
it was a dream come true.
all my life i was told that i had to visit bethel.
just fine
I went to Brooklyn once. Patterson and Watchtower Farms more times than I can count. I worked on a couple of projects there and briefly dated an overseer from Watchtower Farm. He said I was too headstrong
How many in your generation are still JW???
by Christian Gutierrez inhow many in your age group are still jehovahs witnesses?
from where we are at, there aren't many left.
each year it gets smaller and smaller haha .
just fine
I don't really know as I shut the door on those people and that part of my life a very long time ago.
The only one so do know of are three families I was close to growing up each couple had two children, and in each family one stayed and one left.
We are becoming champions of grief. We lost twin B.
by Darkknight757 inlast week we had a reassurance ultrasound with our ob.
she was just supposed to check heartbeats on the two little ones and they were going strong!
but because she had extra time and she can be quite anal about her work (which is a good thing) she decided to take some measurements.
just fine
Sorry for your loss.💐
So, how's it feel, Watchtower -- now that the shoe's on the other foot?
by FatFreek 2005 inyes, your cult has been banned in russia.
what surprises me is that this hasn't happened in more countries.
what surprises me is that civil suits in the u.s. haven't flooded the courts -- violation of civil and human rights because of the cruel act of shunning of disfellowshipped ones, even members of one's own family.. discrimination is a form of cruelty and civil and human rights define such.
just fine
I couldn't agree more,Simon. Do not excuse the individual JW actions, they are masters at making their bad behavior someone else's fault.
It's like an abusive husband who says it's his wife's fault he hit her. JWs try to say it's the DF'd persons fault.
I am never responsible for someone else's bad behavior. But on the other hand I am always responsible for my own bad behavior. I always have a choice in how I act or respond and so do the JWs.